I have been a fan of the Semantic since the first issue hit the UPEI Campus. At first, I enjoyed it a lot more than I have enjoyed reading the Panther Post the last couple of years. But thanks to Craig St. Jean's article in issue 7, I am a fan no more. His article was rife with profanity and bad mouthed Paige Matthie. Now, I really only read his reviews because I found them humerous, I never took his article seriously and I find it hard to believe that he thinks that he was ever taken serious. Half the time I can't tell if he is serious about the food he is writing about or if he is just mocking it and making a joke of the places he choses to dine at. Paige Matthie on the other hand is someone that I take seriously. She has yet to steer me wrong. And best of all, she's willing to talk about the prices and how the average student would fare.
I honestly can't take anyone serious when they feel the need to take a piece out of a rival reporter. There's no pride in that. In fact, it only results in making the paper look ridiculous. Thanks Semantic, you've proved to me again why I should only take you at face value.
"So let's get to the reason why you picked up this paper in the first place: to find out WHAT CRAIG ST. JEAN IS EATING." Nope. I've never picked up "this" paper for that reason -- and thanks to St. Jean, I'll never pick it up again.
And oh, St. Jean, you spelled Matthie's name wrong.
Ashley McLellan

Ed. (& CSJ)
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