Sex with Sadie is a new column to give advice to the carnally unfortunate. While some questions are all in fun, serious queries are more than welcome. Please email me at Alternatively, you can stop me in the hallways of UPEI and see how bright red my face turns!
Q: I really hate the taste of condoms. They're disgusting, like I'm sucking on a latex glove. Is there any way around this? - Signed, In Poor Taste
A: There are a couple of options you have here. If you're with a monogamous partner and you've both been tested by a doctor for STI's, there is no need for a condom. Oral sex does not lead to pregnancy, therefore it would only be STI's you're worried about. If you are giving blow jobs to someone you may not think is monogamous or has not been tested (don't trust your gut,ask him!) then you should definitely strap one on him. There are plenty of flavoured condoms out there. Pick your favourite taste and go to town, risk free!
Q: My lover and I have been having sex around town in public places. We're running out of ideas! Any help? - Signed, Public Domain
A: Oh, gross! Were you two the ones I heard in the library study room? That's just rude to the books. Go home and shack up there.
Q: My girlfriend asked me to partake in her fantasy. It involves tying me up for three days in her basement in a particularly - erm - degrading outfit. Should I go along with it? - Signed, Carnally Concerned
A: No. That would be defined as kidnapping. Catscans are in order.
Q: I finally scored this chick I was after! But when I got her in the sack, I couldn't get it up! What's the deal? - Signed, Just a Softy
A: Ah yes, the Dan Dreiberg Syndrome (Watchmen? Anyone?). In any case, do not fret. It's more likely nerves than anything. What's probably happened is you've worked up to the moment of getting your crush into bed to the point where it's scary to think it's actually happening. Just relax! She obviously has feelings for you too. Next time, just take a deep breath, don't hype it up, and don't overanalyse!
If it's happening repeatedly, however, it is something you should talk to your doctor about. Erectile dysfunction is NOT only present in aging males (contrary to popular belief).
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