Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Everyone Else

By Connor Simpson

The day after an election is never easy for the Opposition. They've collected their posters, and been left to stew for two days while their fate is left in the hands of the students. The students that they've been fighting to represent. They ask themselves questions about their campaign like, "were my posters appeasing? Did I talk to enough people? What if I had worn that tie? I look good in that tie, it brings out my eyes."  

The problem with an election is that someone has to lose. Asher, Ali and Nic are all a bit quieter today. They don't have to campaign anymore. They don't have to respond to anymore questions, except mine. They can rest knowing that they fought for what they believe in. I asked them all for a few parting words for everyone and here are the messages I got:  

Ali, "First, I'd like to congratulate all the winners! Second, I would like to thank all those who voted and made it their mission to express their opinion. I am extrememly happy, and consider this voter turn out as a personal success. I also encourage you all to stay current with Student Union issues, make sure to be proactive, and keep in touch with your representatives. 

The students have selected their new Union, and I sincerely hope and wish them the best. Thank you for all the support, and let's make sure the trend is kept alive for the years to come." 

Asher, "I would like to congratulate all the winners and thank everyone for voting. Now that we have our new Executive it is time to support them in realizing their bold vision.

Let this high voter turn out be a sign to everyone that UPEI students do care. All we (the union) need to do is reach out and engage them." 

And, last but certainly not least, Nic Frost, "I guess all I can say is that it is too bad, my team and I had countless projects underway that I really wanted to work on. I'd like to thank all the people who helped on my campaign. I'd like to also congratulate Tim on his win, and wish him all the best luck for next year. Also, surprisingly, I would really like to thank the Semantic for their absolutely professional coverage of the election. I thought you all did a great job giving all candidates a fair shake and I know what paper I will be reading next year." 

See everyone again next year. Hey, maybe I'll run for something?

(No he won’t.  He will stay with the paper.  -Ed.)

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